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Have you ever wondered where a toy you lost might be now? Say, a balloon that slipped from your hand while you were holding it, a doll you forgot in the park or a stuffed toy dog that fell out of your bike basket.

Well, it might have ended up in the most amazing places!

For example, Michael, Tolkien the storyteller’s son, lost his little black-and-white dog on the beach- and it was so overwhelmed with joy, that it decided to travel everywhere! What adventures it had! It reached as far as the moon and then down to the bottom of the sea. And the people it met! Wizards, fairies, whales, spiders, even enchanted dogs that had the same name as him: Rover! (So to avoid confusion, his name became Roverandom.) And of course, he grew wings to fly and fins to swim. And when he got tired of it all – terrible scares, crazy adventures, unpredictable events – he wanted to go back to Michael. I wonder if he’s up to it. We won’t tell you the secret: whether Roverandom was a real dog or a toy dog! But know, lest you despair, that if you care for and love your toys, or even your dog, and lose them, they will come looking for you because they miss your love.

Original price was: 14,20 €.Current price is: 11,36 €.

Weight0,235 kg


Eυγενία Xατζηθανάση-Kόλλια



Αριθμός σελίδων





Γιάννης Ρουμπούλιας